Background artiste from 'Better than Stars'

Saturday, 3 September 2011

More to Follow

Last week I was thrilled to receive a 'One to Follow' award from Kate, The Scribbling Sea Serpent, which I customised as a Mole Award. It marked a new development in my still-rather-damp-and-newly-hatched career as a blogger, and it did some great things for me, but it was a bit scary too.

The great things were - welcoming new visitors to my blog! Good to see you; - and it pointed the way to other blogs I've enjoyed visiting since, and where I've signed up as a follower.

The scary thing was the injunction to "pass it on." Now I believe very much in the principle of this, which is why for instance if someone wants change for a locker at the swimming pool and I don't have enough to make up the sum, I give them the small coin they need and tell them to do the same when it happens to them. Good things are even better when shared. But it was also scary, because I didn't really know my way round enough to recommend ten other blogs. Here however a few I've discovered which I don't think are on Kate's list. - a lively and interesting blog by a young scientist and writer - a thoughtful blog by a debut writer - not so much a blog: more an excellent way of keeping up with everything that's going on in the publishing for young people industry. I've been following this one for some time.

And finally: Eden wanted a Mole and I'm delighted to award one to her. Unfortunately access to her site is restricted, so if you want to read her entertaining blog on life and writing, you'll have to ask to be invited. There's a link on my page which will give you a taste, but it's to an old post. Say Sue sent you.

And finally, before I pass on the award (you'll have to prise it from my unwilling fingers, and then of course you have to pass it on too) I'd like to take a last opportunity to thank everyone: my partner, my cat, my hairdresser, the person who delivers the paper ... ouch! Lemmego! It's mine ...


ec said...

Thank you so much! Yes, I hate that I had to restrict my site due to nosy high school students.

I get a MOLE!!! WOOOOOO!!!

Sue Sedgwick said...

Don't forget to pass it on ... ;-)

Livia Blackburne said...

Thank you so much for the mention, Susan! Now checking out the other links...