Background artiste from 'Better than Stars'

Saturday, 22 August 2015

- or Rather Desperately not Writing, and How to Get Started Again ...

... I hope. It's been a long time. Not quite so long as my absence from these pages might suggest, but too long by far.

The last year has been pretty traumatic - now is probably not the right time to describe how - but a major casualty of that trauma has been my own ability to think and to create, hence little or no writing. I'm not even sure that it's something I ought to try to revive - if it's dead, it's dead - but now the disruption is over I'm beginning to flex my imaginative muscles and wondering whether, if I put a little encouraging pressure on myself, I might be able to get it going again.

So here's my resolution: to write at least six days a week: either in this blog or in a Work in Progress, or both; by hand or wordprocessed; but it must be complete sentences, more than just notes.

See you here.

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